About Me
Who I am inside the work day...
I am detail-oriented and organized.
As an eLearning Developer, I love checklists! When given a storyboard from an instructional designer on my team, I meticulously check off each instruction as I develop it into the Alpha version of the project. I pay close attention to all details, and I keep all subject matter expert (SME) information handy at my organized fingertips.
As an Instructional Designer, I maintain excellent communication with all stakeholders, SMEs, and members of my team, ensuring that all progress, scheduling, and content-related information is updated and easy to find.
I am an active listener and collaborator.
All viewpoints of the people I work with have value. Whether you are a stakeholder, an SME, or an instructional design team member, your voice and contributions matter. My expertise in active listening, open-mindedly accepting constructive feedback, and carefully incorporating all contributed content makes me an ideal candidate for any training needs you have.
I am a curious learner who shows initiative.
I don't know everything. However, if I don't know it, I'll learn how to do it quickly, effectively, and efficiently without having to be asked to do so. I am always adding to my eLearning Developer and Instructional Designer toolboxes!
Who I am outside the work day...

I sing.
Music feeds my soul. I've been singing, dancing, acting, and performing since I was 4 years old. Due to my confidence and seasoned expertise with public speaking skills and engaging an audience, I'm the ideal candidate to design interactive learning experiences in any modality to satisfy your training needs!

I attend live events, I travel, I ski, I bike, I raft, and I spend quality time with my family.
All of the carousel pictures on the left have two ideas in common: teamwork and flexibility.
When traveling, biking, or rafting with family, we work as a team to be successful in getting where we need to go. There are times when I take the lead and guide others towards the end goal, and there are times when I need to listen, accept constructive feedback, and add my contributions when asked. I have had many years of experience expertly navigating back and forth between these two roles, both in my work experience and in my personal life.
When attending or participating in live events, change needs to happen quickly and efficiently to keep you on a proper trajectory. This flexibility is something that is ingrained in my work habits and personality. I can design and develop effective learning experiences that will help learners acquire the behavior changes necessary to allow your organization to successfully pivot towards your primary goals.